Gentleman Relates Some Gossip To Me About Malibu

Gentleman Relates Some Gossip To Me About Malibu

While chilling, I spoke with a gentleman who spoke some interesting about Malibu.

You know, I find Malibu – despite being a world famous and world class place known for it’s wealth – to be like a small town. This guy said some mad interesting shit here esp. about the police which you can listen here:

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And here is the requisite galley for all the stuff I captured in a day:

– One thing I noticed about him is that he black folks features. With my white features I look like I can pass for his kid, lol!

Another thing – I notice this building has a stereotypical image of a Mexican dude on the top! Shocked they can get away with that in this day in age (Wonder if they ever sold it???)

Remind me kinda of Sambo’s in Santa Barbara (Naw – that shit’s more offensive there):

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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