White Male Cops Want To Beat On Me Cause I Will Not Let Them Hit On Me

White Male Cops Want To Beat On Me Cause I Will Not Let Them Hit On Me

Here the video: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29699″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] After doing this article here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/10/22/im-catching-a-charge-if-a-white-boy-approaches-me-for-date/ I notice caucazoid KRAKKKA KKKOP MALES stopping, driving reeeeal slooowwww, saying BONK ASS SHIT (in that video, they said, “Hey, crazy!”) all because I said I don’t want their white asses and that white men make Great Tricks (T-shirt coming soon…)!

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Los Angeles County Sentencing Document Shows That I Was Convicted AND Charges Were Dismissed

Los Angeles County Sentencing Document Shows That I Was Convicted AND Charges Were Dismissed

I am Raven. Need I say more… I  How can you say that I am “convicted” then say the charges were “dismissed” pursuant to 1385pc (misdemeanor dismissal code) ALL ON THE SAME DOCUMENT? County malefeasance is all I can say. You can hear more about the crooked things they been doing to me, here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/27/lapd-now-covers-their-crooked-tracks-by-removing-illegitimate-case-against-copwatcher-from-the-system/

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