Black Nigga on La Brea Blvd Attacks Me For Giving Homeless Hispanic Man Money

Black Nigga on La Brea Blvd Attacks Me For Giving Homeless Hispanic Man Money

I just want to start off by saying THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATER NIGGERS: Who the fuck are you or anybody else for that matter to determine my identity for me? Tell me who the fuck I am? It is that very black hivemind way of thinking that nearly destroyed me in high school, that so called identified “blacks” have to think one way and be a certain way all the time unless you want to classified as an uncle tom, talking white or a sell out! FUCK YOU AND YOUR LABELS!

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I say this to say, see the ugly ass negro beast with the fucking snakes in his hair up above? This PREDATOR looking ass BITCH:


…Attacked me for giving a homeless latino man who had a WHOLE LOTTA SHIT SLUNG ON HIS FUCKING SHOULDERS $5, saying to me, “Why did you ignore me and NOT GIVE ME ANY FUCKING MONEY!” The rest you see (I didn’t film inadvertantly what he FIRST SAID) is what this ignorant ass, entitlement ass nigger had to say!

At that point, I wanted to beat that NIGGER’S ASS! You don’t know me. You’re a MAN! How dare you expect me as a female to financially support you! But, unfortunately this is the way most black people, especially black men, feel! They feel they are entitled to your time, money all the while disrespecting you and your identity to fit their agenda! That’s what pisses me off about so called “black people”. Also, this is what they say about homosexuals and transgender people, telling them to be “black” and forfeit who they are to fit the identity THEY want them to have!

Really, nobody’s fucking black. Unless you are the fucking colour of this Samsung G2 phone here:

Samsung g2 phone







YOUR ASS AIN’T BLACK (no one is really white, either, save for albinos).

With that said, me and this NIGGER got into a heated argument because he wanted to own my identitty, calling me a “sell out” after I called him out on his NIGGERISHNESS, calling me all sorts of names, even calling me a white girl and saying I am broke. I reminded him that HE is the one who is in fact taking the bus, not me! Who the fuck is he to call me “broke”. Then he called me a whore – a typical tactic useless ass NIGGERS use to shame women with when we don’t want their sorry asses – and I said, “FAGGOT” (yeah, bitch, I can tell your crusty BLACK down with the “Jah” people ass is GAY you self conflicted mofo), calling me self hating (Bitch, I don’t like YOU! How the fuck is that self hating, you ugly ass snake head, haired wearing faggety faggot ass gay bitch).

My advice to you is: If you are reading this, suck some cocks  and make some money and maybe one day your BROKE ass won’t be at the bus stop, waiting for a ride! NIGGER!

But this is why people HATE niggers! You see, this whole entitlement shit, that I owe you my TIME, MY MOTHERFUCKING DAY SIMPLY BECAUSE OF MY PERCEIVED RACE! I am a  loner! NO ONE OWNS ME! With that said, who the fuck are you to lay claim on MY identity like I am a piece of property, and tell me where my loyalty should lie! I am not you and I am not apart of you so HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY IDENTITY WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND TELL ME WHO I SHOULD BE (TO FIT YOUR NAPPY HEADED AGENDA) WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHO THE FUCK I AM AND HAVEN’T EVEN TAKEN THE TIME TO UNDERSTAND ME! HELL, YOU DON’T EVEN WANT TO KNOW ME ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL! YOU WANT TO ENFORCE YOUR LABELS AGAINST ME, WHICH YOU CAST UPON ME, AGAINST MY WILL, SIMPLY BECAUSE OF MY PERCEIVED RACE (race is a social construct created by a WHITE SUPREMACIST WHITE MAN, aka Charles Darwin) AND MY PERCEIVED COLOR! Fuck you, you anonymous SELF-IDENTIFIED black asshole BITCH!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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