I Defeated The Demiurge

I Defeated The Demiurge

Eye (pun intended) knew shit would go down when I saw that all seeing eye on the border patrol t shirt….. ? Funny cause I looked young ass fuck too….. Since I was able to stop the demiurge from sending energy surges to my kundalini to bolster my desire for alkie-hole, he instead had a nice gentleman send me McD’s which I had to subsequently shit out – as I do alkie-hole – so my energy body can stay on point ??   It was a long drawn battle but I did it…. Here is P1: And P2: Back in

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Astral Projection CONFIRMS That Heaven Is Hell Which Is Ran By The Archons The Reptilians

I wanna say for the record that when you look at the thing that is holding the child in the vat in the Matrix…. Don’t that look like a bird-reptilian, the same things that David Icke – based on knowledge from Credo Mutwa – states is running our planet ? I ain’t never wrong…. read this to see what I mean…. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archontics Even before writing this I feel a sharp tightening on my throat chakra and crown and I saw thru my third eye early this morning a fucking reptilian putting that shit there. I’ve said it and talked about

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