Journey To The Underworld The Land of The Dead And The Ether

I’ve done it, plentay of times while looking back on it: This story describing it ain’t lying: I’ve been there. I recall a while back I used a Star of David to transfer me to where my brother is. I was in the early, latent stages of using my third eye to navigate the astral plane. So before going to sleep I asked my third eye to astral project me to wherever he is in the astral plane. I was “awokened” – I astral projected in the dreamscape – to a world where I was initially in a hospital.

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Purple Entity Or Archangel On The Side Of Me

Is THIS what saved me from the Lost Hills Sheriffs fucking with me? Is this Archangel Tzadkiel (after all, I have NO cravings for alcohol – 0 – so could this be a good spirit?). Anyways, for all my seers out there, look on the darker pictures and you’ll see a “pink amd purple” light aura – zipping of energy around. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IT IS: ALSO, HERE WATCH ME BLOW SAGE SMOKE:

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4th of July: Attack by Skinny Jean Wearing Homo Thugs and Meth Head Commeth

I don’t mean to make fun of that woman’s situation and I will tell you WHY in a minute! Anyways, before I get on to that, please sit back and enjoy as I have a load of fun at these two skinny jean wearing homo thugs’ expense: This shit was funny here! Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29079″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why I no longer copwatch (I just came out to see the excitement and fun and the only time I copwatch now is for myself if I have my titties out in public and the cops start fucking

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