Astralworld Part 1: The Introduction

Astralworld Part 1: The Introduction

This journey that I am about to tell you all started in jail. I was meant to be a sacrifice for these two here, Barbara Reina who calls himself “Gooru” in the astral and David Reina: I think this David Reina as I saw this fool grabbing a coupla homeless folks I know living in their vehicles on the pch and putting them through some carnival torture show where various serial killers, evil entities came to start attacking them and they tried to get me to go in too but I refused….. Also that girl is tow headed like Barbara

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Meeting My Spirit Guide In The Astral

This why I don’t take spiritual advice from anyone else… Early this morning I had a visit from my spiritual who basically advised me to do wjat the title above says. Listen to me talk about it, here: [purchase_link id=”30631″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Funny thing is my spirit guide looked like me, with black curls in a style my mom used to fix it in when I was young!

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