David Reina Just Roped Me From Out My Consciousness And Pineal Gland

David Reina Just Roped Me From Out My Consciousness And Pineal Gland

They’ve been using complicated entity attachments to do this. I can feel my pineal gland on fire as I type. The plot is is to cut me off from my spiritual ability and intuition so I can’t fight them off from what they really plan to do which is switch Souls (I think they did it last night) between me and Barbara so I can take on her karmic debt and go to hell.

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Gooru Using Roach Crown Chakra Entity Attachments To Steal My Consciousness

Gooru Using Roach Crown Chakra Entity Attachments To Steal My Consciousness

Gooru aka David Reina placed entity attachments near my pineal gland so that I would hallucinate seeing giant roaches. Just now he placed a giant crown chakra entity attachment designed to allow him to steal my whole consciousness. He also placed one earlier designed to block people from coming to me in the astral to see what’s going on. He and Barbara do this every night to try to steal my Soul! He is doing this so I keep drinking and feed him. He placed alcohol entity attachments in me to keep me from coming into my spiritual powers. He

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