WHY Are Blacks Trying To Pander To A Race Of Degenerate Pedophile Rapists Leafblowers

WHY Are Blacks Trying To Pander To A Race Of Degenerate Pedophile Rapists Leafblowers

I mean if you’re gonna go beg for acceptance from any group go beg the jeWISH: they are rich, smart, got their shit together….. They aren’t a bunch of degenerate rapists who are built like bean bags (hence the name “beaner”, solely driven by carnal desires with the level of consciousness of an insect and, unlike the wetbacks who are killing your black asses and run you outyour communities, jews at least have historically helped us: https://rac.org/issues/civil-rights-voting-rights/brief-history-jews-and-civil-rights-movement-1960s https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/naacp/founding-and-early-years.html That said, I gotta shake my head when I see this caping, this pandering for acceptance from low level, low IQ leafblowers

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