Calling Out Self Hating Kneegroes Who Defend Wetbacks Who Attack Other Blacks

Calling Out Self Hating Kneegroes Who Defend Wetbacks Who Attack Other Blacks

These mofos need to go! I am so happy that I exorcised a hungry ghost (all last night and even well into the morning I could hear it saying, “I’m hungry”) that was actually literally IN me that was influencing the terrible terrible drinking urges that had me compromising my messages, acting not like myself due to being under some reptilian-demonic influence. I talk about it here: This Is How Reptilian Possession Looks – The guy there is NOT a wetback; he is a human from Spain! Now I can handle liquor better (if I feel like fucking with it

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This Is Why Blacks Are Justifiably Beating On These Illegal Mexican Vendors

This Is Why Blacks Are Justifiably Beating On These Illegal Mexican Vendors

Imma start calling I.C.E. on their illegal patrons at 1-866-347-2423 given that I ALWAYS hear these mofos encouraging their illegal ass patrons to call the fucking police on me – an American citizen ✊? #MAGA – Drop wetbacks alive into the pacific ocean ⛓? It brings me GREAT HAPPINESS to know that I will be able to do that to them someday…. Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist I do not make these blogs to be understood by the wetback, but rather to teach my fellow humans about these things, how these things think, their hivemind consciousness

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