LAPD Officer Estevez Promoted to Sergeant After Violating Topless L.A. Woman’s Civil Rights

LAPD Officer Estevez Promoted to Sergeant After Violating Topless L.A. Woman’s Civil Rights

This happened quite a while ago obviously, but I am just noticing the change now!   Anyways, go and look at the link to this video here: Notice in that video there, he has two stripes, which indicates a PO3, which you can see down below: Now, look at this new video here and look at the twitter and note they are naming Mr. Estevez, Timothy Estevez that is, as a SERGEANT! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28924″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] span style=”font-size: 12px;”>Despite his flagrant abuse of my civil rights by his power, he has been made and promoted as

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Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

This is the second false detention video of my neighbor, who was merely detained for speaking her mind on a public sidewalk. Fortunately, this video was taken by a neighbor who was also frustratingly and violently told by Sgt. Morse to keep on moving and that it wasn’t his “business” to that effect. This all took place on April 6, 2014. The officers involved are: Deckel (badge no. 41400), Sgt. Morse (badge no. 41400), Estevez (the main instigator) – (badge no. 36886) – and an unnamed Asian female officer. I plan on filing a federal lawsuit by the end of this

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False Detainment by LAPD Officer Timothy Estevez

False Detainment by LAPD Officer Timothy Estevez

This video pretty much tells it… The officers involved were: Estevez (badge no. 36886), Deckel (badge no. 41400) and Sgt. Morse (badge no. 41400). This comes on the heels of my first false arrest in which Sgt. Morse – who was involved in the first arrest and was instrumental in having me locked up on false charges (being topless and female is NOT illegal in L.A. or anywhere in California for that matter) appeared just as, interestingly, Ofcr. Noble appeared in my first harassment by LAPD cops for being LEGALLY topless in public in an attempt to scare me out

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