Spiritual Readings Using My Third Eye For Sale

Spiritual Readings Using My Third Eye For Sale

As you can read from all these here….. I Defeated The Demiurge How I Defeated Belial The King of The Reptilians My GodSelf Defeats Beelzebub How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side There Definitely IS A Parasitic Etheric Snake In My Right Eye The Eye of Ra aka The All Seeing Eye Is A Separate Entity That Lives In Your Right Eye And Controls You I pretty much know what I am talking about, spiritually! That being said I am inclined to bring my vast know-ledge, much of what I learned

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What My Third Eye Showed Me What Happens When You Spiritually Fast

What My Third Eye Showed Me What Happens When You Spiritually Fast

  And of course some WETBACKS had to come crash the party – I notice their asses surprisingly took off like a beaner bag of light when I dropped the 6k hz frequency – which only works on them……   CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon ….I take it as a compliment when they don’t like me – just like when the wetback demon seeds thru some chinese food at my car just now (while it wad high evening and the sun’s glare was in my eye) then – like cowards –

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Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

You gotta have the third, pineal gland and maybe some of your crown chakra to ‘woke:   [purchase_link id=”32561″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Today I used it to slay inner demons by reincorporating a part of myself I lost due to soul lost. Ain’t gotta fully astral project (you can use gregores to do ‘woke from a mad safe distance) to put yourself in harm’s way pr nan of that which are incurred in the risk of astral projection. Handle bizzness and take care of shit spiritually!

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Weird Astral Projection Experience Last Night

Weird Astral Projection Experience Last Night

My supernatural life just keeps getting weirder and weirder… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29260″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Fuck, it always has. That said, last night, I had a dream… Not like him but like this…   Okay, ever seen the film, “Phantoms”, that came out in 1998: I actually had a crush on the pervert sheriff in it… Well, I had a dream very similar where some organic sludge that can cause hallucinatory phantoms to occur took over a town. I was in a bedroom, then fled to a courtyard where the zombie like phantom people couldn’t grab me. Anyways,

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