Kicked Out Of U Pick A Part On 8103 Alameda St By Racist Sexist Owner Greg

Kicked Out Of U Pick A Part On 8103 Alameda St By Racist Sexist Owner Greg

I  suspect this mofo is a fhegget here:   I shoulda snatched the phone out his hand: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29293″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are some Yelp reviews that possibly quite PROVES that this guy is sexist AND racist (the main complainers are female AND people of color): It’s par the course for self hating closet case homosexuals to lash out at other minorities because their asses are suppressed and so pissed off with themselves and thus take it out on others:   That said, this closet case BITCH got on my badside after confronting me for

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The Rapist Mindset

The Rapist Mindset

 See this kinda – “sweet” looking guy right here: He left this message on my youtube yesterday regarding one of my topless videos where he had this to say (you can go ahead and read it and I will paraphrase it below): Anyways, basically what this neanderthal, black neanderthal at that, was saying was: “Because I am a womyn and he is a man he has every right to burst into my body however he wishes cause he can’t help his misogynist urges…so therefore it is up to me to control him for him by wearing or dressing down and

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