Keep Saturn in Saturnalia and Other Ways Christianity Is Like Satanism

Keep Saturn in Saturnalia and Other Ways Christianity Is Like Satanism

I remember this move here, one of the most beautiful (and my personal most auspicious) film which uniquely illustrated one of the very Truths of Life: “You can not have light without darkness and darkness without light.” – This is very true today and the very culture AND customs of Christianity show this. Every other SMART religion around the world highlights – and celebrates – the good and the bad in every deity, showing the dichotomy of human nature and acknowledging it in their Gods and Goddesses. Goddess Kali of Hinduism is one such example. That said, xtianity are the

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The Racist and Misogynist Tricks We Sex Workers Have To Put Up With

The Racist and Misogynist Tricks We Sex Workers Have To Put Up With

I am Raven, need I say more:   Example 1 Black Man Harasses Sex Worker for Not Seeing… by ravenmasterson A while back this person who called me from this number here, a 760-443-3455 number, would call me the n word and every other sordid thing under the stars – which you can view in that video there – just because I am a sex worker and he felt ENTITLED TO (simply by stating that by virtue of my posting my number that gives him the “right” to call and harass me which sounds very familiar to the tactic that

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