How Drinking Period Blood IS Drinking Adrenochrome

How Drinking Period Blood IS Drinking Adrenochrome

…You ain’t gotta murder anybody to get it, reptilians! Before I begin, I was doing some dumb shit, walking barefoot at the gas station: DAMN! LOOK AT THE GAS PRICES AND THIS IS DURING HOLLIDAY SEASON IN MALIBU, TOO! Contrast that with the gas prices found in central L.A. mid wilshire area: Also, OF GREATER INTEREST, look at this solar flare AKA MESSAGE FROM THE SUN THAT APPEARED ON MY LEFT WRIST: It’s funny because I would do rituals using triangles as taught to me by the “entities” in my old apartment through sage smoke. Speaking of triangles and rituals…

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The TRUE Meaning of Real Femininity

The TRUE Meaning of Real Femininity

Fuck that old outdated, misogynist definition of femininity. In this video below, I explain what TRUE FEMININITY IS which means connection to the Divine Source, the Divine Source Creator who is female and the Spirit Realm, hence why we as WOMBAN are known for our “intuitive powers”: > Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29424″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Menstrual Blood! The Elixir Of Life

Menstrual Blood! The Elixir Of Life

Can you take a second and I guess what I am drinking here for a sec.: That’s right, fresh period juice mixed with urine (I find that when drinking blood it goes down rougher UNLESS you add urine into the mix and for flavor – with urine – it tastes better, too.). Yes, that’s right, I am drinking my own period blood. That said, we live in a filthy, patriarchal society that condemns THAT yet is okay with: Sipping on men’s semen (IT DOESN’T GIVE YOU POWERS – unlike menstrual blood – but for women it REDUCES IT which I

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