Bedwench Christelyn Karazin BEGS Homeless RACIST White Bum For A Compliment

Bedwench Christelyn Karazin BEGS Homeless RACIST White Bum For A Compliment

…After this same mofo called black women “gorillas” which you can see down below: Here is his google plus for anybody interested: Here is the video that got banned by youtube simply because some bedwench negroes didn’t like the truth that it extolled! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29243″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, here is why I can’t stand Christelyn Karazin. As can be seen in the video above – okay, let me make it clear – I myself have a natural attraction for white males (and NO I don’t want cluckerbeast as I call em coming on here

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Topless Female Copwatches 16 LAPD and LAFD Officers For One Sick Male

Topless Female Copwatches 16 LAPD and LAFD Officers For One Sick Male

This one was funny and showed my “quirky” side like most of em: I caught a bunch of cops – while trying to check out me of course 😉 – stand there and try to help while fending off the “advances” of a gentleman – meaning advances in him trying to KICK THEIR ASSES THAT IS 😉 LOL! Anyways, I caught these cops trying to fend off this supposedly “infirm” male who they couldn’t keep down and needed the aid and abetment of a 15 strong male army unit to fend this black homeless man off from em – trying

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