Kris Benveniste Calls Me The N Word After Calling Him Out On Possibly Sexually Harassing A Woman

Kris Benveniste Calls Me The N Word After Calling Him Out On Possibly Sexually Harassing A Woman

This nigga thinks he is GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN: This ugly bitch look like he can pose as “twinses” with this ugly mofo right here, Randall Flagg from that Stephen King film, “The Stand”: See, they’re TWINSES! This crakkka KIKE crypto beast came to my attention when I noticed him staring lecherously at ALL – INDISCRIMINATELY -(NIGGA AIN’T GOT NO PREFERENCE) AT WOMEN WEARING SHORT SHORTS JUST LIKE MOST JEWS – AND NIGGAS – WOULD DO (MOST OF MY CLIENTELE ARE KIKES, SO I SHOULD KNOW 🙂   Anyways, I saw this bitch looking me with a look of disgust,

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