The Glorious Culture of White People And Why They Are Superior To Blacks

The Glorious Culture of White People And Why They Are Superior To Blacks

From the same “species” of “people” who knock my topless activism cause THEY THINK breasts in public are nasty cause THEY SEXUALIZE EVERYTHING, I present to you their (perverted, warped) “culture” (Here’s a great article on them that says 1 out of 6 whites fuck they dawgs):     SPEAKING OF WHICH, LOOK AT THIS SHIT: THESE ARE SOME NASTY, PEDOPHILE AZZ MOFOS! I WOULD NEVER MATE WITH A CRAKKKA (WHEN I DID DURING SEX WORK I WAS FORCED TO OUT OF ECONOMIC SURVIVAL)! Any black woman wanting to MATE with these things need their heads seriously examined and

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Michael Hardman of Burbank Who Works At The Asylum Studios That Made Sharknado Is A Possible Pedophile

Michael Hardman of Burbank Who Works At The Asylum Studios That Made Sharknado Is A Possible Pedophile

Look at the dude who he is posing with here who looks like a fucking child with a shit eating grin, grinning from ear to ear…. That said, he came to my attention after he wrote this very vicious and libelous review defaming my name, claiming I let the fucking air out of his friend’s tire simply because of his friends’ sexual orientation: Now, I have never met tho mofo a DAY I MY FUCKING LIFE! I probably saw him in passing but for him to attack me when I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO HIM OR HIS FUCKING FRIENDS

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