We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

I will not lie to you…black men are fucking animals which is why I almost feel the need to say that we need more George Zimmermans as well as Darren Wilsons for them.   Let me explain. See, as the victim of street harassment, I can not tell you how many times I have been THREATENED by NIGGER MALES for not liking them, with physical violence involved or the threat thereof. I do not get this with Asian, latino even or even white men, but NIGGER MALES and they always look to deflect from their fucked up way of behavior

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Black Women Stay Away From White Feminism #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen

Black Women Stay Away From White Feminism #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen

In this video here: I basically explain WHY white women are not and will NEVER be our friends, no matter how hard they try to act, swoon, and be as if they are one of us and understand our pain: THEY NEVER WILL! No honkkkey ever will!   With that said, in a white supremacist environment, one where white privilege prevails, they do NOT want to get us. To get us and the struggles they cause us as people of color, as black, melanated people on this planet would result in the demise, genetically speaking, of their people, ie something

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Ugly White Australian Bitch On Hauser Blvd Harasses Topless Black Lady Cause Ugly Liver Spot Hoe Is Jealous

Ugly White Australian Bitch On Hauser Blvd Harasses Topless Black Lady Cause Ugly Liver Spot Hoe Is Jealous

TURNS OUT, I SUSPECT, IN A COINTEL PRO TURN OF EVENTS, LAPD WILSHIRE SENT THAT UGLY WHITE BITCH TO FUCK WITH ME! More LAPD dox and other info coming soon along with a separate article on this and my talking about Cointelpro. I personally hope the bitch DIES of cancer AND aids! The bitch looks like she got both! Her instagram is: 

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