Photograph of Real Feline Alien Cat Lyran On Earth

Photograph of Real Feline Alien Cat Lyran On Earth

I always said I wasn’t human…   I want you to look at the right eye (or from your perspective, the left) in the picture down below: Note the vertical shape, much like a cat’s pupil, which you can see below: Also, note the image of a cross “glistening” in the eye down below: When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it, too. When I first took the picture, a feeling of “calmness” overcame me, like I was in “good hands.” I knew instinctively that the image would come out “weird,” and what you see up above is what

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Angel Sighted In The Sky Over Miracle Mile Los Angeles During Total Lunar Eclipse September 28 2015

Angel Sighted In The Sky Over Miracle Mile Los Angeles During Total Lunar Eclipse September 28 2015

Here is the video: Buy vid here ??[purchase_link id=”29201″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]  Here are the pictures…             This was for real! I don’t know what it was trying to say as I do not believe in the existence of angels in xtian theological sense – I believe that they called angels back then were really aliens since that is what folk with a simple understanding of the world could equate them to at the time and if you look at depictions of the alien race, the Anunnaki – who created ancient Sumer, the first human

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