FUCKING DUMB ASS CLUCKERBEAST I mean, if you’re gonna say shit and BE IN THAT PROFESSION, AT LEAST COVER UP YOUR FUCKING SCREEN NAME AND DOX, DUMBASS! Anyways, last week I noticed this mofo with his gorgeous mail order bride had the nerve to make the misogynist and RACIST comments which you can see below Here it is, in text form, what the DUMB BALD HEADED BUGGA BAT (I GOT THAT WORD THANKS TO MY MOM) CLUCKERBEAST (I CREATED THAT MYSELF™) SAID: – “This moron woman is so stupid. Only thing you do is harassing cops. He was professional you
Read more![Bald Headed Bugga Bat Chicago Cop Alminko Hota Calls Black Woman the N Word on Youtube Bald Headed Bugga Bat Chicago Cop Alminko Hota Calls Black Woman the N Word on Youtube](https://toplessinla.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Poassible-cop-calling-black-people-racist-names-2-300x240.png)