I will be calling men “dick demons” from now on…..

I believe it is time to have a serious conversation on men and what we must do with them. Men are a threat to the planet and womynkind and the Divine Feminine and must be eliminated.

Thereby I will be looking to the methods utilised by the late great serial killer, Aileen Wuornos and famed dick cutter Lorena Bobbitt on how to deal with these dick demons….

What Is Respect

I think back to the days when I used to put on what folks would mistakenly call “shows” where I was just being a free spirit in Malibu and showing off my whole body: This Is How Reptilian Possession Looks And how I internalized alot of folks’ misogynistic, internalised misogynistic viewpoints on a subliminal level when all I was doing was being free and doing me and not wanting to be done. Raped By LA County Public Works Workers Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me And each time I would write blogs low key apologizing

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How To Defeat Pallet Numbre And Hekate

Lately both Pallet Numbre and a “goddess” named Hekate have been on my heels in the astral plane, vowing to keep me stuck in hell realms because they want me as a sacrifice! I wonder if it is because of a deal they made with Barbara Reina and David Reina in order to keep my powers, blessings and other things stolen from me as part of this curse. David Reina keeps sending entity attachments made of my brother Kristen, who he has placed in terrible hell realms, to keep me from procuring my abilities and blessings back. That said both

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