I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see) rape and sacrifice me – having a grisly, awful connection to Kenneka Jenkins, the young black lady everybody believe has been organ harvested along with Billy Murray who is in that 300 Milly club (meaning sacrificed someone or something to be given a black card by the illuminati as that man fizzled out in the 80s and I know Ghostbusters – I had a crush on Peter Venkman aka Harold Ramis in the day – ain’t made that much in earned revenue to generate THAT. THINK are his other co stars – Dan Akroyd – who I had a crush on and saw in the astral – or anybody else worth that much? No. C’mon.):
You can check out the link here:
I used to see her dating that old ugly white man – he look like them puppets off that 80s Phil Collins video “Land of Confusion”:
Imma say very briefly while perusing looking up Bill Murray and Selena Gomez, as the video states, I saw something stating he her uncle.
That being said I checked back and saw nothing like that.
It feels like another timeline with folks saying it. I do remember her having a sexual relationship with him alluding to her being given a green card status for prostitution by the illuminati:
From what I understand she for-went marrying that old ugly white man with unjustifiable sums of mo-nay from the illuminati and became a “self made” 300 milly-aire by going the route of creating entity attachments made from both famous and anonymous people stuck in hell realms by the illuminati and putting them in Soul swapped people’s bodies like Kanye West and Adele, etc.:
Damn she surpassed him.
I was talking early this morning on IG how her beauty company is a front. THAT billy logically should be generated revenue for the company. Logically when $elebs are given crazy money like Rhianna by the illuminati to do nefarious shid – like Selena Gomez and as I will mention later at one point I saw my parents – going back to that August 22, 2022 timeline – in Rhianna’s head, being torn up (use 694 hz, 685 hz to see or your third eye) – they are given bullshyte famous but shell companies and their “beauty brands” are a shining example.
Speaking on entity attachments many many months ago I saw the illuminati had stolen my child consciousness in the astral plane to use for something nefarious. Use 694 hz, 695 hz to see.
That being said I wanna mention I have been seeing “mirrors” of myself out the corner of my eye – and with Maria Parafin and all who keeps stealing my Soul consciousness and spirit and Soul I feel my being is becoming detached from literally. I been seeing it out the corner of my eye and my Soul consciousness – which literally looks like you at times – right beside me which spells death so I gotta do something about her:
That spells death.
That being said I had a weird dream about the illuminati – specifically Prince Charles and Prince Andrew in the spirit world. I have seen the illuminati before in dreams and – due to a recurring vision of me and a group of kids I felt getting raped by Jay Z at a concert backstage in 1991 = which connotes to the stealing of your blessings (mind you he didn’t blow up till 1997 so I should have never had this) – I might have a connection to em. Here’s some of em:
I Saw The Horrible Fate of The Rothschilds’ Afterlife In A Vision
I had a screen dream or nightmare – I felt like I was being blocked from fully seeing what was going on like what happened the other night- where I was being raped by them incessantly.
Imma sit this here:
In the spirit plane I saw – and many people know – why Jay Z kept Rhianna held captive for 24 hours before making her sign a record deal at 17.
– This is her screen explanation.
This supposed to show him dominating her and her supposedly sacrificing her cousin.
That said from what I learned in the spirit world he wanted to exert and flex power by making her have sex with him thus raping her for fame.
Imma say this I am too strong – as fucked up as I am consciousness wise – to let a mofo dominate me and have power over me like that. I understand that the dollar and all that are worldly trinkets – made from a tree that gives you life. It is Yyagasdril in Norse mythology, who has helped me many times. Why would war-ship something like that outside of bare necessities. I just don’t get it. These people sell their Souls for that. I don’t get it.
From what I have seen in the spirit plane, Rhianna put herself through a ritual where, when she got high up on the illuminati totem pole she let Prince Charles and nem shit and piss on her. From what I understand they like straight up dark complexed African women and when Naomi Campbell underwent that bull they were not only not rough with her like that they took her out on a romantic like date as per her ritual.
As shown above the fucked all over Angelina Jolie.
The smart ones go through Satan – I got on Rock of Love with Bret Michaels and Game Show Network TV’s “Without Prejudice” I am finding out due to this curse through him. Madonna through her demiurge or material personal God, which we all through family and ancestors, got personal connections too to steal other people’s blessings so she would not become a “prostitute” – in many timelines – for the illuminati which woulda been her fate had that happened where EVERYTHING is constantly taken from you, down to the shit in your ass.
I almost had that happen to me one time with politrickians – I saw an entity attachment of Pete Hegseth:
He a hot cutee closet case like me:
He likes to abuse women cause he a closet case. I don’t know why people can’t see that.
It’s conspicuously obvious!
In Lil Wayne’s case – I understand in that August 22, 2022 timeline my Soul Swapped rival is laying up with him (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see) – he comes direct from the demiurge, a spawn of him.
Read this transcript Tricked By The Light where a man who met the demiurge named John Lerma described him as black. I found out during this curse we blacks come direct from him but Lil Wayne is direct of his bloodline.
That being said I was told that a screen dream I had, another one, was showing me where they ritually raped a young black woman direct from Africa. They go after us – as from what I understand when Queen Elizabeth reincarnated through a Soul Swap into an Afrikan family and worked them, worked them out their bodies to place her people and ancestors in their place – for our spiritual powers.
Imma say this: I learned during this curse they come for us cause we come direct from God and our spiritual powers are no joke. I’ve seen Anubis, Nefertiti, Cleopatra and them and they no joke:
When I felt their presence it is HUGE and big enough to knock the wind out of you. Not like other Gods. No joke. They derived from the Dudeks who from what I understand created the unity-verse, ours from somewhere else, some other plane of reality.
They showed me their society. Trucks were used to build the pyramids, taxis to chauffer people around. They also tried to explain ions in relations to crystalline tech – which were synched with chakras to allow for teleportation and so forth and so on.
Mansa Musa. Looka this:
I saw an Igbo ancestor of mine – I learned I come from them during this curse and Yoruba of Nigeria – very powerful bloodlines along with the Malians – the Malian kingdom was founded by Mansa Musa which has the Dogon tribe which have the Nommos, who are my ancestors and they come from Sirius and I recall playing an audio, backwards where I said “I am from Sirius, Obama status.”
Mama Wata derives from that.
We come from the creators of the universe. That is why we are so wanted and desired but envied.
– Anyways they use a fuzzy ball of energy as a weapon as well as to help or hurt consciousness, as they did to my enemies once in the spirit plane.
That gold ball reminds me of it.
That being said that is why we are used in alot of illuminati sacrifices and I also surmise they stole the Egyptian Gods powers. Looka how they claim to steal the powers of Ra by doing that one eye symbolism. A man broke it down on YouTube a long while back:
Looka this here. He represents the Eye of Providence on the dollar bill with the halo coming off it, etc.
From what I understand he is the blueprint for all Gods as this infers – as the illuminati is low key telling you – he owns our destinies.
Many folks associated Jesus with being an image, a idol, associated with the Sun God Ra and them crown of thorns can be seen as Sun Rays:
I had my powers stolen by her and everything else (use 446 hz or 1715 hz, 1714 hz to get your shit back) in use for this shit.
I never agreed to this.
One thing about me is I ain’t no sacrifice and I ain’t allowing that shit.
I wanna say I also heard the illuminati gives a black card to those who have sacrificed an incarnated God and from what I understand going back to that August 22, 2022 timeline the person that Soul swapped me – from Destrehan, La and Zendaya in that timeline did just that.
Here her ma wearing a Baphomet ring!
Use 1714 hz, 1715 hz, 295 hz, 295 hz combined with 695 hz to get stuff back and if you being tricked like I am into not finding your stuff in the spirit plane 115 hz is the solution!
I won’t lie I even saw Jacob Elordi in my timelines at one point.
This is pretty weird. I heard it was coming from his higher self.
I saw aborigine ancestors and everything.
That being said I had another experience where I saw them torturing my parents. I don’t wanna repeat it cause it hurts to do so but this is them in that August 22, 2022 timeline. I felt their Soul consciousness from there and everything so this is true, it’s real and I still don’t wanna believe it.
Saw My Parents In That August 22, 2022 Get Attacked By The Illuminati And Maria Parafin
I wish I woulda done more and taken this seriously at the time. I fucked up. I fucked up big which fucked them up. Me up. All of us up. I can kill myself for that and I know it’s real.
That said I had another attack which was a direct psychic which I experienced not too long after.
That said I am combatting some powerful and dark shit and under some heavy, heavy shit.
The attacks by Maria Parafin don’t help and as stated here, really chronicled this bitch is a thorn in my side and from what I have seen attached to them in that timeline. Mofo a parasite that is hard to get rid of.
That said read these of folks who have turned up missing on castle grounds:
All female from what I have seen.