MezzycanTs Claim Whites Stole Land Through Rape

MezzycanTs Claim Whites Stole Land Through Rape

I had to laugh when I saw this ish: The way I heard how in Tijuana and such places how they throw themselves at even the sleaziest and poorest, nastiest looking of whyte men cause to them Whyte skin is like gold, currency – it is cause the entity that created them, Quetzalcoatl, would shapeshift into a whyte man (that’s why they saw the conquering Spaniards as “gods” – makes me laugh at the notion they got raped for their land. Them mofos want whyte dyck cause they wannabe whyte so no way in hell can they get raped by

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Play 7000 hz Frequency To Get Rid of Schizophrenia

Play 7000 hz Frequency To Get Rid of Schizophrenia

Psychiatrists themselves say they don’t know where the voices derive from: You can also take iron tablets and or vitamin E to strengthen your consciousness in case of a consciousness attack. Increasing magnesium is shown to knock it out, too: Florida water also helps to remove them along with Peppermint Oil:

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Be Weary of Supporters October 12, 2024 Tarot Reading

Be Weary of Supporters October 12, 2024 Tarot Reading

Powered by youtube embed video generator That said, I couldn’t do the whole video there…. I didn’t do this and this was somewhere else…. Love it 🤘🏻👍🏻⭐ I have to move from the park cause it was closed (had a few crackheads inexplicably though):   Here my reading in the park a day ago: Powered by youtube embed video generator That said hope y’all take care and got something out of these readings. For a more personalized reading, please contact me at [email protected] To donate you can go to my PayPal at And for my Cashapp $RavenWilliams2222$ Zelle: 310-359-5199

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I Found The ULTIMATE Frequencies To Rebuild Yourself Back If Fighting Roach Attachments

I Found The ULTIMATE Frequencies To Rebuild Yourself Back If Fighting Roach Attachments

7,000 hz is THE ULTIMATE to getting rid of em but combine 12,000 hz (which suppresses consciousness which they feed off of) and 6,000 hz (which is an all purpose frequency that can rebuild and removes wedbawks and other evil spirits, like their Gods/creators) and you can ‘woke yourself back: You can also check it out on my YouTube. Powered by youtube embed video generator I learned from certain spirits that Hispanics used it – combined 6,000 hz with 12k hz (I heard they saw it was wedbawks but I still know it was crakkkaz in Malibu who put THE

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