This Is Why I Warn Blacks And Others About These Demon Seeds

Look at how this demon seed wants to fight a black woman. This is why in large part I talk about these demon seeds….. Wetbacks Attack Black Bus Driver As She Is Working Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians This is why I talk about those w3tb@cks – they are quick to put hands on black people – esp black women, but they won’t do so to whites as can be seen

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Tweaking Wetbacks In Florida RV Selling Drugs Right Out of RV on Topanga Canyon Blvd

Tweaking Wetbacks In Florida RV Selling Drugs Right Out of Trap RV on Topanga Canyon Blvd

I been watching ?……. Here are some videos of such transactions and skeevy ass people…… – In that one above you can SEE them receiving drugs right out the window then testing it….. Here more skeevy characters…… To fuck up the beauty of the area, they brought some more skeevy ass wetbacks to break the peace of such a natural and beautiful area (and trash it too)…… – These mofos, when you hear Florida, you think pretty Cubans, not these inferior ass wetbacks who are beneath me…… Fucking trash! ALSO, EARLY THIS MORNING…… just as what happened the FIRST time

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What Is Respect

I think back to the days when I used to put on what folks would mistakenly call “shows” where I was just being a free spirit in Malibu and showing off my whole body: This Is How Reptilian Possession Looks And how I internalized alot of folks’ misogynistic, internalised misogynistic viewpoints on a subliminal level when all I was doing was being free and doing me and not wanting to be done. Raped By LA County Public Works Workers Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me And each time I would write blogs low key apologizing

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