My Thoughts On The Sheriffs Removing Homeless From Venice Beach

….And Tony Vera’s jealousy of GIV aka German In Venice:

– Alright, I can’t find the vid.

For his jealousy of German In Venice aka GIV you can find it ALLL THROUGHOUT his Youtube channel here, esp. here:

But there was a video posted in which Tony mentions seeing a hawk and an owl at around the same time on the same day which signifies shadow work.

Based on my cards he tried to put a santeria curse on German In Venice aka GIV (I sense an “anger” curse to influence folks to hate on GIV) out of jealousy – Tony Vera a pos wretched mofo! If there is one thing I can’t stand it’s a jealous mofo:

I’m putting this out there so witches could block his ass from spiritually attacking that child out of jealousy…..

Also, someone needs to beat that Peggy Lee Kennedy FAT ? rotund bitch’s ass cause all she ever does is open her big fat mouth – aside to eat – to just hear herself/itself speaking by hollering at people and just saying shit to hear it/herself speak cause no one pays attention to her big fat ass otherwise. Hear ?? are some highlights:

Here she is shouting at the fucking news reporter about solutions and not letting the poor man speak:

Hear her fat ass is sadistically saying the cops should just let a mentally ill man scream on his own at his own reflection till he tired:

If you needed proof that these fuckers were unreasonble before, now you know!

Please beat Peggy Lee Kennedy when you see her and, witches, you know what to do about Tony Vera ??‍♀️??

In articulate mofo. It’s activists (really actor-vists), not activate!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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