How To Cast Out Intranquil Spirits

Recently I had someone try to put them on me.

I kept seeing them form a sorta geometic pattern shape like this in a wall…..

When I used my third eye for clarification I saw poor human Souls being bound to each other (you gotta be an evil mofo to do that). I even heard a woman say, “She freed us” after I sent them where they need to be: the light for healing.

Here is how you do it:

Send a beam of healing light thru visualization, preferably thru the thurd eye (there are times visualization ain’t enough) and open a portal and send them to a place of love and light.

Souls should not be used for selfish reasons, no matter how evil they may have been here (the world is a stage is an adage that connotes to the fact that we are just Souls having a human experience and we shouldn’t take it too serious). Souls get stuck on Earth (after forgetting their home) for a variety of reasons.

They don’t deserve to get used to force a dude who don’t like ya to like ya, or torment (against their wills) someone you don’t like. You can use your own energy – The Soul Source – for that:

BTW intranquil spirits are lost Souls used to do a spiritualist’ bidding. Here is more info on that…..

– NOTE in the second one they state your house becomes haunted when you use this and that will result in negative energy being all over you and thus blocking all sorts of blessings meant to come yoir way.

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