I Learned In The Astral Plane That Zendaya Paid The Occalas To Sacrifice Me So She Could Have My Blessings

I Learned In The Astral Plane That Zendaya Paid The Occalas To Sacrifice Me So She Could Have My Blessings

I did these videos last night cause I couldn’t hold it in when I found out the truth: That said I saw in the spirit world WHOOLLY what is going on. I wrote it in the article that I plan to release today. Basically, the Occalas through a false Soul contract with my higher self who was bullied into it, were able to give away my blessings and spiritual abilities which I NEVER consented to, never gave permission for and set me up to be a sacrifice – me, my family, and my ancestors, for a bunch of people in

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I Am Starting To Think That MK Ultra Is Involved In This Curse

I Am Starting To Think That MK Ultra Is Involved In This Curse

That said, I am learning alot in the spirit realm about this curse. The other day, I was shown that Ethan Occala or is it Apperwhite, Dave Apperwhite, works out of 171425 lichten st in LA which I shown in the astral translates to 17425 Allegra st which they claim is where Google is posted and in the astral as well as the physical they conduct “social engineering” aka mk ultra tactics on the populace. Now, last night – as part of this curse keep me from getting my stuff back – I was shown that both Zendaya and Timothy

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