Month: June 2023

Curse of The Roach Realm And How To Defeat It
The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia I defeated the roach realm curse. It is one of THE worst curses you can bestow on someone. Worse than a shadow people curse and worse than an intranquil spirit curse. It is one of THE WORST curses you can bestow on someone. It consists of roaches both giant and small feasting on human beings. People being turned into roach attachments. People being surrounded by giant roaches, eating on you. Folks tied down to vats where roaches eat you just as som evil entity attachments belonging to another
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Freedom June 6 2023 Tarot Reading

They Really Want To Destroy Me To Get My Soul
Not too long ago I saw I saw my brother Kristen in the astral plane, bending atop rubble, saying, “I am glad to see you here.” I was told by my Highest Self that David Reina had taken him out of his body and placed him in a hell realm where people get raped, murdered and beaten, a hell realm of chaos. As they did with my brother Bryan, they even wrote a book in the astral plane to keep my brother Kristen stuck outside his body. They did the same to my my family my dad my mom and
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I Need Help
I feel very very stuck with this curse. Last night these roach attachment entities the Reinas – Barbara Reina and David Reina – put IN me came to me demanding a Soul contract, constantly picking at me, at my crown chakra, energy harvesting off of me, keeping me up all night. That said, the Reinas, who put this curse on me, are very evil people. They have killed people spiritually for having a happy life, in my case, they want my spiritual powers. I could hear them in the astral plane saying they demand a Soul contract from me, they
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