When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

How…. why….. why is it that a strong womban like myself attract these misogynistic, self loathing sociopaths who feel like they got the right to gas light me but I am not supposed to say shit to their overt – and I mean overt gaslighting….. I cut these mofo….. This is a faggot. You can’t tell me any differently. This mofo got gay tendencies, bitch tendencies to be more accurate (like most all latin males)….. mad effeminate but, I mean…. it’s like how do I attract this, like fucking how….. This is an insult to me. It ain’t cause the

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Laying Grass Rug and A Mural In My Van

Laying Grass Rug and A Mural In My Van

If you notice I haven’t been writing as much cause I am happy ? Here is what I been doing….. Can’t get over that I am finally winning over animals now that thru healing I can show my Soul: Call me Snow White: ….And buying tools for my project….. I laid all that grass carpet on my own…… I also did this….. I plan to put glitter there and make it look cuter….. ? Peep the triangle in my night light…..

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Black Bitch With Possible Abandoned Kids Pepper Sprays Me For Showing Concern

Black Bitch With Possible Abandoned Kids Pepper Sprays Me For Showing Concern

* Now they got it painted gold ? Fucking nigger. I ‘woked this black bitch. Both them won’t have dem keeds for long. I don’t like how the sheriffs treated me here. This is why I am well versed (spellcasting) in black magick and won’t hesitate to put it on mofos…. including keeds….. but not in this case here. I knew shit was gonna happen cause that fucking nigger voodoo loa baron samedi been around me. I need a god like Thor or my own abilities (I have actually defeated him before) to defeat him: This mofo comes around and

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