Why Souls Choose To Incarnate On This Hellish Ass Earth

Why Souls Choose To Incarnate On This Hellish Ass Earth

Just like this Twilight Zone episode here where the thief got EVERYTHING he “thought” he wanted then found out he was on the “other side” in hell rather than in Heaven where he thought he was originally at: Well, it’s the same in the astral where you can tap your fingers and make shit manifest; there is no challenge so people come to this hellish ass Earth 4 the challenge. [purchase_link id=”31740″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] BTW one thing I forgot to mention in the vid is that Earth is like a UNIVERSE-ITY (Like UNITY-VERSE) for souls so that they face

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How Binural Past Life Regressions Got Rid of My Alcohol Addiction

How Binural Past Life Regressions Got Rid of My Alcohol Addiction

THIS THE BEST HIGH EVER! I AM THE MOST HIGH!!! I’M SO (NATURALLY) HIGH RIGHT NOW I CAN’T EVEN THINK!!! I don’t even feel connected to this Earth Realm like mad for real! This shit helped to open and clarify ALOT of trauma holding back my emotions and thus connections to others and thus AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS! I FEEL HIGH ASS FUCK! THE SAME HIGH I GOT WHEN I DRUNK ALCOHOL BUT THIS TIME FAR BETTER CAUSE IT IS LESS DESTRUCTIVE! [purchase_link id=”31735″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] It even got the Light of Archangel Gabriel shining of me! I feel like Cloud

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