Bum Killed By Asian Driver On PCH In Malibu

Bum Killed By Asian Driver On PCH In Malibu

Now I’m like the fucking newz… lol

I’m already showing by the way:

Anyways, bum – let me stop – THE DUDE from the Big Lebowski GOT HIT BY A SMOOOTH CRIMINAL early this morning after, I’m guessing, walking drunk, high, high on heroin, I dunno, on the PCH by an Asian driver – lol!

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Real factz!

Lamestream media KTLA showed up to record LOONG AFTER I taped (this shit occurred around 2am, 5am not too far from where my bum ass lives, lol):


– Cops took her into custoday as can be seen by her car getting impounded. I sense her bail is probably relatively low – like between $25,000 to $45,000. They prob. took her in for manslaughter.

Now, she didn’t appear to be drunk. Now, when I was in AA a white boi talking said that they told him he was “alright” aka ALLWHITE cause the dude he hit was black and a bum and PRESUMABLY on crack – ALL THE WHILE THIS MOFO WAS DRUNK AND HIGH WHEN HE DID IT. There was a white boi who a bum who lives in his car on the pch who said THE SAME THING

That said, I’m quite certain she hit a bum ass crakkkaroach. IF THEIR STORIES ARE TO BE BELIEVED WHICH I FEEL IS TRUE – that’s fucked up to be taking her gook, no driving ass into custody!

Here they are having sanitation clean up the “mess” – that’s wrong, like he trash, lol!

This shit occurred not too far from my home/car which is alwayd parked alone the PCH!

Notice I’m pregnant and a death occurred not too far from where I lived! That’s some spiritual occult ritual shitt right there. My mama used to say that when a death occurs it’s designed to give life to a new soul!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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