LAPD Is Bugging My Phone

LAPD Is Bugging My Phone

I CAN’T PROVE IT… but I KNOW IT’S HAPPENING and here is why:

As you can see up above in the article written about Michael Jace, the actor who killed reportedly his wife, they literally have a whole section of the LAPD that hacks phones…

That said, NO MATTER WHAT I DO TO REMOVE BAGGED UP STORAGE – INCLUDING 20 FUCKING BIG VIDEOS – THE AMOUNT OF STORAGE SPACW I HAVE FREED UP STAYS THE SAME! Also, the phone gets weirdly hot even when I’m not using it which is another sign of tapping which you can read about here:
That said, Imma try to find a way to prove this so I can be able to effectively use your phone and not have them effectively sabotage it!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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