I Now Know Why I Have Been Attracting Hating Ass Deceitful People My Entire Life

I Now Know Why I Have Been Attracting Hating Ass Deceitful People My Entire Life

Note how happy I look to the left while to the right – conformed, I look unhappy. Addiction is often a sign of what you gotta work on within. I didn’t love my true self: I’m wild! My true nature is wild! I didn’t love myself. Instead I tried to embrace a fake restrained version of myself that was created by fake familial and societal bullshit systemhead ass expectations. The minute this ephiphany hit me, I felt two knots in my sacral finally get free. Cause I am now me and am giving myself permission to finally be me. Hopefully

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Black People Need To Watch This POC Ally Bullshit: Introducing Racist Richard Bowie of Vegnews

Black People Need To Watch This POC Ally Bullshit: Introducing Racist Richard Bowie of Vegnews

Fucking idiot! This is an arrogant, chummy, fat, nasty, FAKE, FAKE FUCKING NEWS, FAKE EVER-FUCKING-THING! This why I would NEVER fuck with no damn demon seed cause look at what that un-holy union wrought…. This half wetback asshole: Got called out on making a racist post where he insinuates that black folks can’t have colored eyes as can be seen here….. After getting his half wetback ass called out, he goes on a flagging flaggot party campaign to remove me, even calling me Miss Thang which we all know is his attempt to mock a phrase often thrown around by

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