I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry

Fucking Mortal Kombat: Before I begin, I just wanna start off by saying – to the creepy ass, I presume based on the accents I heard coming from their voices, WETBACK mofos in the black jeep who be passing by close to my car – I saw ya’ll for TWO FUCKING NIGHTS PULLING THAT SHIT – Imma ‘woke ya like I did that crakkka in the big black-green truck Imma talk about later on, “telling me to leave….” THE MAIN EVENT (I know you heauxs been waiting for this video):   I remind me of this song here cause no

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The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

Watch this video here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28937″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why we have rape victim blame, slut shaming and all these patriarchal attitudes in our culture: CAUSE OF THE WHITE MAN! Yeah, that’s right! I said IT! At the end, they are responsible for this, for sexualizing the female body, namely started in the name and pursuit of averting white genetic annihilation by controlling his woman (and her morality and so thus her sexuality) so she won’t procreate out of her race and so thus contribute to their racial demise. Meanwhile white men RAPED everything and

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