Effects of Etheric Astral Travel: My Eyes Changed Color

I DON’T KNOW IF YOU CAN SEE (But I can see) I peeped that my eyes changed color AFTER doing etheric/ astral travel! I brightened it up so you all can see the contrasts: Dark eyes don’t contrast like that… I even put it in greyscale: I SWEAR some of the ones down below look like a variety of greenish hazel, straight hazel (which is rare for my eyes to be that color) or even blue at some points. Though some may argue that’s due to having “reflective eyes” my eyes are a light brown and usually lighter eyes DO

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Visited by Bee and Ladybug After Visiting the Astral

For some strange reason while on my spiritual journey BEES ARE MAD ATTRACTED TO ME: Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”30695″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I killed the poor lil thing (I was excitable after waking up, felt something crawling on me and went into mindless “protect” mode since I didn’t want it coming back, fucking with me – I had the windows down and my top off cause it was hottt!!!). I also had a ladybug as of recent today – Jan 24 2018 – visit me after taking my “spiritual bath” in the ocean: Animals convey a great deal

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