Are We In A Level 3 Universe Hence the BerenstAin Effect

In case you’re wondering here it is: A level 3 univserse as defined here: …is where the laws of physics is RADICALLY different from what we are used to, hence the astral aka “dream” realms we enter into at night – our real reality! That said, I thought about it after listening to one of Bobby Hemmitt’s lectures here: THAT SAID, I firmly believe that the 3 vibrational shifts we went through – CERN may have had a hand in em – one which occurred in 1983 (the year I was born), there was another one in 2012, the

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Alien Federation’s Ascended Masters Video Change In Music Proof of Time Rift

Over the weekend, I heard a change in music on the Alien Federation’s “Ascended Masters” video which you can hear down below: That said, the music I heard before was of chiming bells and a very sweet, melodic sound to it. It didn’t sound like that at all. The comments are still the same. The date it was uploaded is still the same so it can’t be a new upload or a sleight of hand by Google by reuploading an older version of the video on the sneak… So I am left to wonder has anyone else had this experience?

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