Black Folks Need To Stop Basing Their Worth On How Much White Folks Love Them

Black Folks Need To Stop Basing Their Worth On How Much White Folks Love Them

The best example are pick up artists, PUA’s who say that to get a female or anyone’s respect, you must be an “asshole” or aloof to their existence and ultimately very exclusive. Exclusive clubs and cars don’t get valued for a reason. A young black woman who thought I was doing my shirtless rights activism for sex work said, “White men love us.” Okay, so why you got kneegrows walking the streets earning $16 per head while wide bitches lesser in looks and spiritual energy charge $300 per hour or more – WORKING INSIDE and facingess dangers, getting more respect

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How Soul Healing Keeps Entity Attachments Away And Why EVERYONE NEED TO DO IT

How Soul Healing Keeps Entity Attachments Away And Why EVERYONE NEED TO DO IT

I did something last night that finally removed what I thought was an entity attachment but turned out to be an energy block at the base of my spine aka kundalini….. I still got some work to do with the back of my neck where the entryway for your Soul lies (I think it’s past life shit causing it)…… In light of this everyone with deeply embedded traumas that causes blackouts aka energy blocks in your Soul….. Mofos Gotta Stop Letting Spirits Control Their Asses Before They Get FUCKED UP It’s like with roaches and wetbacks who I use raid

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Mofos Gotta Stop Letting Spirits Control Their Asses Before They Get FUCKED UP

Mofos Gotta Stop Letting Spirits Control Their Asses Before They Get FUCKED UP

While doing this vid here…… I got picked up by the Lost Hills Sheriffs here….. All because this rape victim who is – now I remember – a Vietnamese dude who drives an old (probably late 80s model) white pick up truck was throwing LEGIT ROCKS – NOT pebbles as I do – at fucking vehicles the other weekend under the cover of night, smashing windows. I heard it and saw him and pulled his ass out from the side of the street cause that shit could not only kill someone – but I KNEW the blame would be placed

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