Journey To The Underworld The Land of The Dead And The Ether

Journey To The Underworld The Land of The Dead And The Ether

I’ve done it, plentay of times while looking back on it: This story describing it ain’t lying: I’ve been there. I recall a while back I used a Star of David to transfer me to where my brother is. I was in the early, latent stages of using my third eye to navigate the astral plane. So before going to sleep I asked my third eye to astral project me to wherever he is in the astral plane. I was “awokened” – I astral projected in the dreamscape – to a world where I was initially in a hospital.

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Purple Entity Or Archangel On The Side Of Me

Purple Entity Or Archangel On The Side Of Me

Is THIS what saved me from the Lost Hills Sheriffs fucking with me? Is this Archangel Tzadkiel (after all, I have NO cravings for alcohol – 0 – so could this be a good spirit?). Anyways, for all my seers out there, look on the darker pictures and you’ll see a “pink amd purple” light aura – zipping of energy around. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IT IS: ALSO, HERE WATCH ME BLOW SAGE SMOKE:

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4th of July: Attack by Skinny Jean Wearing Homo Thugs and Meth Head Commeth

4th of July: Attack by Skinny Jean Wearing Homo Thugs and Meth Head Commeth

I don’t mean to make fun of that woman’s situation and I will tell you WHY in a minute! Anyways, before I get on to that, please sit back and enjoy as I have a load of fun at these two skinny jean wearing homo thugs’ expense: This shit was funny here! Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29079″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why I no longer copwatch (I just came out to see the excitement and fun and the only time I copwatch now is for myself if I have my titties out in public and the cops start fucking

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