Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!

Adidas Shutting Down Kanye West’s Money Shows The Illuminati Owns Him Through The Black Card

Adidas Shutting Down Kanye West’s Money Shows The Illuminati Owns Him Through The Black Card

Before I begin I was facing severe psychic attacks (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see) from the Highest Self of these people here named Maria Tavarez last night, right as I am trying to get back to normal: Interestingly they are open today (they open on Wednesdays and Saturdays). The name is: San Arcangel Miguel Botanica 8704 Broadway St Los Angeles, CA 90003 323-778-4498 I heard in the spirit plane that this dude here has molested a lil young 11 year old girl: That said as I said in yesterday’s blog from what I saw in the spirit plane

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Weird Sun Descends Unusually Quick When I Film It And Weird Star Does The Same

Weird Sun Descends Unusually Quick When I Film It And Weird Star Does The Same

Before I begin I wanna say something. I always talk about how I been Soul swapped. While perusing for material for my Kanye West Addidas-black card vid which I plan to post here tomorrow. I just posted the third vid today due to delays by that Maria Parafin or Tavarez, highest self I been battling here: Psychic Attack By Maria Parafin Caused Me Not To Post Yesterday I document it here: https://toplessinla.org/category/psychic-attacks-coming-from-san-miguel-archangel-botanica-at-8704-broadway-south-central/ I got an Estevez, I think this woman here’s name is Estevez, I think and wonder if this the woman I heard who sacrificed me (I gotta be

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Dream About Being Raped By Prince Charles And Prince Andrew

Dream About Being Raped By Prince Charles And Prince Andrew

I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see) rape and sacrifice me – having a grisly, awful connection to Kenneka Jenkins, the young black lady everybody believe has been organ harvested along with Billy Murray who is in that 300 Milly club (meaning sacrificed someone or something to be given a black card by the illuminati as that man fizzled out in the 80s and I know Ghostbusters – I had a crush on Peter Venkman aka Harold Ramis in the

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Can’t Enjoy My New Apartment Due To The Highest Self of The Tarot Reader At San Arcangel Miguel Maria Parafin Attacks

Can’t Enjoy My New Apartment Due To The Highest Self of The Tarot Reader At San Arcangel Miguel Maria Parafin Attacks

I wanna say this regarding Maria Parafin and her lower self, the tarot reader who I got a reading from at San Arcangel Miguel located at: 8704 Broadway St (by 87th and Broadway st in South Central) Los Angeles, CA 90003 323-778-4498 They are open on Saturdays and Wednesdays from what I understand. That said I saw that her lower self, whose name I think is Elsa Solano (I believe her mother’s name was Gertez), knew her son or cousin from what I had heard and saw had raped a black sex worker on Figueroa and covered for him and

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Saw My Parents In That August 22, 2022 Get Attacked By The Illuminati And Maria Parafin

Saw My Parents In That August 22, 2022 Get Attacked By The Illuminati And Maria Parafin

That being said I had a series of dreams – and actual veritable experience – where I get fucked with by the illuminati along with Maria Parafin: Powered by youtube embed video generator That being said one night I was asleep and I saw in the astral plane the royal family and numerous tables set up and it had a dark eerie shadowy like look about it. That said if my consciousness wasn’t so fucked up I woulda been able to to see what was going. I later learned that what I was being screened from seeing was Prince Charles

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Nearly Had My Consciousness Taken Over By Maria Parafin And Astral Attack By The Illuminati

Nearly Had My Consciousness Taken Over By Maria Parafin And Astral Attack By The Illuminati

I got attacked BAD by the illuminati (use 1248 hz to defeat em, 694 hz, 695 hz to see where they at). As I said before – ad nauseum – I got Soul swapped on August 22, 2022. I know it happened. Plus I used to have recurring visions of meeting with Jay Z with a couple of other kids as a kid back in 1991. Mind you he blew up in 1997. I felt we were gonna get raped. Turns out it meant we had our blessings stolen which being raped in dreams tend to cognate to. Did a

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My Brother Kristen’s Twitch Page Confirms That I Got Soul Swapped

My Brother Kristen’s Twitch Page Confirms That I Got Soul Swapped

Powered by youtube embed video generator That being said I was on my Instagram, perusing and I happened to stumble upon some of his IG pages mainly for his twitch back in the day. I noticed that right around the time I got Soul swapped – August 22, 2022 as you can see in the vid – he stopped posting. I looked at his page and he was trying to be like me with the Lucifer, spiritual occult bent. Reading this and despite his age his innocent, very preteen like mind and mannerisms, I could kill myself for not having

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Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

This is getting serious: I talked about it on my YouTube channel: Powered by youtube embed video generator That said, Imma say this. I heard a violent wind then it went stagnantly quiet. I then saw the lights – which ONLY turn on if you physically go into the bathroom – inexplicably come on. I then felt a presence and heard a woman’s voice that brought me to a chilling standstill. That said this shit is getting physical and is getting serious. As I said before this highest self came from here: https://toplessinla.org/category/psychic-attacks-coming-from-san-miguel-archangel-botanica-at-8704-broadway-south-central/ Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named

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Almost Killed In My Sleep Last Night By Maria Parafin

Almost Killed In My Sleep Last Night By Maria Parafin

I talk about it here: Powered by youtube embed video generator As well as here (I posted this vid here so in case my YouTube channel goes down): Last night – and even now as I type – I got badly energy, really astral body harvested by Maria Parafin where she removed my entire Soul consciousness and the entity attachments with them so I could not get my stuff back, including connections to ancestors, God etc so that I could not contact them for help. I have been talking about her for quite some time. She is the highest self

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