I don’t like those mofos. I honestly despise them and look down upon them. They got low IQ’s and an inability to understand and process human emotion and empathy otherwise known psychopathy. As a matter of fact, in terms of how they approach things when confronted with the knowledge of what they do to blacks, the words of Marth Stout who wrote, “The Sociopath Next Door” comes to mind….. “They know the words to the song but not the meaning.”

They are shallow thinkers and are not capable of deep thought hence why they make GREAT HARD workers but not smart workers. It is all because of this right here πŸ‘‰πŸ»




– They hate it when I tell the truth about them 😈

That said just yesterday as I ascend I stated that, after getting rid of a demonic entity that was living in me who once in a dream told me that he was gonna hook up me energetically to those wetbacks – as SOON AS I GOT RID OF THAT ENTITY IN ME, I NOTICE THAT MY ENERGY NOW NATURALLY WARDS THEM WETBACKS OFF!

The problem is innate with them; it is their bloodline πŸ‘‰πŸ»


That said, if you need more proof that something is wrong with em πŸ‘‰πŸ» Look no further than this….. 6000 hz frequency is a high level frequency designed to ward off low vibrational beings such as reptilians and demons. Why the only “humans” it works on are wetbacks:



Can’t Enjoy My New Apartment Due To The Highest Self of The Tarot Reader At San Arcangel Miguel Maria Parafin Attacks

Can’t Enjoy My New Apartment Due To The Highest Self of The Tarot Reader At San Arcangel Miguel Maria Parafin Attacks

I wanna say this regarding Maria Parafin and her lower self, the tarot reader who I got a reading from at San Arcangel Miguel located at: 8704 Broadway St (by 87th and Broadway st in South Central) Los Angeles, CA 90003 323-778-4498 They are open on Saturdays and Wednesdays from what I understand. That said I saw that her lower self, whose name I think is Elsa Solano (I believe her mother’s name was Gertez), knew her son or cousin from what I had heard and saw had raped a black sex worker on Figueroa and covered for him and

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Saw My Parents In That August 22, 2022 Get Attacked By The Illuminati And Maria Parafin

Saw My Parents In That August 22, 2022 Get Attacked By The Illuminati And Maria Parafin

That being said I had a series of dreams – and actual veritable experience – where I get fucked with by the illuminati along with Maria Parafin: Powered by youtube embed video generator That being said one night I was asleep and I saw in the astral plane the royal family and numerous tables set up and it had a dark eerie shadowy like look about it. That said if my consciousness wasn’t so fucked up I woulda been able to to see what was going. I later learned that what I was being screened from seeing was Prince Charles

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Nearly Had My Consciousness Taken Over By Maria Parafin And Astral Attack By The Illuminati

Nearly Had My Consciousness Taken Over By Maria Parafin And Astral Attack By The Illuminati

I got attacked BAD by the illuminati (use 1248 hz to defeat em, 694 hz, 695 hz to see where they at). As I said before – ad nauseum – I got Soul swapped on August 22, 2022. I know it happened. Plus I used to have recurring visions of meeting with Jay Z with a couple of other kids as a kid back in 1991. Mind you he blew up in 1997. I felt we were gonna get raped. Turns out it meant we had our blessings stolen which being raped in dreams tend to cognate to. Did a

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Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

This is getting serious: I talked about it on my YouTube channel: Powered by youtube embed video generator That said, Imma say this. I heard a violent wind then it went stagnantly quiet. I then saw the lights – which ONLY turn on if you physically go into the bathroom – inexplicably come on. I then felt a presence and heard a woman’s voice that brought me to a chilling standstill. That said this shit is getting physical and is getting serious. As I said before this highest self came from here: https://toplessinla.org/category/psychic-attacks-coming-from-san-miguel-archangel-botanica-at-8704-broadway-south-central/ Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named

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Almost Killed In My Sleep Last Night By Maria Parafin

Almost Killed In My Sleep Last Night By Maria Parafin

I talk about it here: Powered by youtube embed video generator As well as here (I posted this vid here so in case my YouTube channel goes down): Last night – and even now as I type – I got badly energy, really astral body harvested by Maria Parafin where she removed my entire Soul consciousness and the entity attachments with them so I could not get my stuff back, including connections to ancestors, God etc so that I could not contact them for help. I have been talking about her for quite some time. She is the highest self

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How Do I Remove Highest Self of A Tarot Reader Maria Parafin Out of My Spirit Energy Body

How Do I Remove Highest Self of A Tarot Reader Maria Parafin Out of My Spirit Energy Body

I believe the name of the reader I went to is Elsa Solano. I talked about this incident more thoroughly here: I express how extreme the attacks are here: I have had my Soul consciousness, which is your blood, your plasma that gives you existence as well as the roadmap of your life and identity, literally taken away as she did to my father in that August 22, 2022 timeline here: She also stole my mothers going back to that timeline. I will just say this without going into detail, going back to that timeline – I won’t say much

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Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

That being said, I’m just gonna say this! You all know my struggles with a curse that involves energy harvesting and Soul swapping. A good friend of mines – and them roach spirits warned me beforehand – don’t go there! That said, I wish I didn’t go there. Ever since I went there I have been getting energy harvested, attacked severely, taken over (with her falsely becoming a false – a severely false higher to highest self, parasitically removing the original and doing it by connecting to a child consciousness and spirit guide I had to almost get rid of)

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Do Not War-Ship Billy Baille aka Baron Samedi and His Higher Self Don Toliver

Do Not War-Ship Billy Baille aka Baron Samedi and His Higher Self Don Toliver

I’m just gonna say this: from what I learned in the spirit world he isn’t the nice, kind kid friendly person you have heard. He sacrificed me when I was 16 for my spiritual powers and kept me under that so he could steal my spiritual powers in the next life by zombifying my consciousness using reptilians – illuminati, hooded level – and roach attachments and blocking me from all opportunities that would take me out of prostitution, which he put on me as a sacrifice curse. He set the tone for this when I was a baby cause he

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Issue With The Wetbacks Who Threatened A Black Kid In His Neighborhood In Florida

Issue With The Wetbacks Who Threatened A Black Kid In His Neighborhood In Florida

Before I begin I just wanna praise these two beautiful white sist⭐rs for putting these bean bags πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ This beautiful sister threatened to call ICE whom you can call at (866) 347-2423 (I person. got them on speed dial) on an illegal bean bag for selling flowers on a freeway: You go girl. #Trump #MAGA2024 And this gorgeous wide woman telling these wetbacks – in our land of Cali – to speak English in our land of America while they were playing pool: Don’t feel sorry for them or try to cape for them. Look at this. And this is

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MezzycanTs Claim Whites Stole Land Through Rape

MezzycanTs Claim Whites Stole Land Through Rape

I had to laugh when I saw this ish: The way I heard how in Tijuana and such places how they throw themselves at even the sleaziest and poorest, nastiest looking of whyte men cause to them Whyte skin is like gold, currency – it is cause the entity that created them, Quetzalcoatl, would shapeshift into a whyte man (that’s why they saw the conquering Spaniards as “gods” – makes me laugh at the notion they got raped for their land. Them mofos want whyte dyck cause they wannabe whyte so no way in hell can they get raped by

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