Sex Workers And Others Watch Out For This Angry Sociopath Named Bern Washington

Sex Workers And Others Watch Out For This Angry Sociopath Named Bern Washington

I think this is how he looks: He tried contacting me under another number and got me flagged and banned off of This is his real number cause when you call you ALWAYS will reach him: 714-574-4362 You can tell (listen with earbuds to hear his voice) that he is a VERY angry person with control issues, hence why my Higher Self told me to avoid him: You can tell by the text messages – and by the convo – that he is a time waster with anger issues who does not like to be outsmarted…… He later lured

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Homeless Man From Parallel Universe Tries To Rebuild Time Machine To Return Home

Homeless Man From Parallel Universe Tries To Rebuild Time Machine To Return Home

I and others have always said that the so called crazy person you see on the streets who is either speaking “jibberish” or an unknown language to us or is describing things that are “weird” could be from a parallel universe and somehow got stranded here. Don’t believe me? Look up the case of Jophar Vorin or the children of Woolpit. Here is a case of a more successful possible time traveler:

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Reawakening My Raven The Shaman Tarot Channel

Reawakening My Raven The Shaman Tarot Channel

Hope this resonated: In case the channel ever desists….. for posterity…… Here is a vid explaining why I faced so many psychic attacks in my readings….. David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult

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