It’s Bad Enough They Cursed Me Now They Are Trying To Block My Access To A Homeless Shelter

It’s Bad Enough They Cursed Me Now They Are Trying To Block My Access To A Homeless Shelter

I heard that these two mofos here: Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract ….intention was to have me on the street streets. While trying to talk with 3 nice folks from a homeless shelter, I notice them getting irritated and I could tell they didn’t know why – it’s a way for a curse to drive people from helping you – and the awful smells that Barbara Reina, David Reina and Michael O’Terrance have put

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I Think That Barbara Reina Killed My Parents In Their Sleep And Replaced Their Souls

I Think That Barbara Reina Killed My Parents In Their Sleep And Replaced Their Souls

I think that my parents aren’t my parents and my brother isn’t who he is. The way they talk in the text messages is not them. These sick fucks here: The Root Cause of What Is Going On: I Was Made A Sacrifice All My Life Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract Were planning on taking their Souls out their bodies and placing them in hell, in roach motels so please help them return to

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