Defeating My Demons

Defeating My Demons

I SWEAR when you starting fighting off your demons they starting coming back LIKE THESE TWO POOR MOUTHING ASSHOLES MAKING DEMANDS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO WHEN THEY AIN’T PAYING FOR SHIT LIKE THIS STARTE CHRIST MOFO (THAT NUT I ALREADY COVERED) AND THIS KIERA BITCH: – Thank GOODNESS youtube BLOCKED THEY ASSES! …AND THAT’S HOW IT ALLLL STARTS! They cause problems so that YOU WILL FEEL COMPELLED TO RESORT TO THEM FOR PROTECTION! It’s like a protection racket! That’s how I know Sell-ebs get “somewhere” with them. Anyways, this gonna be a short one: while in between sleep and

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Dealing With Buy-Bull Thumping Hebrew Israelite ENERGY VAMPIRE HOOKERS

Dealing With Buy-Bull Thumping Hebrew Israelite ENERGY VAMPIRE HOOKERS

Okay, I’m just gonna throw the WHOLE ENTIRE CONVERSATION SINCE IT IS CHOCK FULL OF CONTRADICTIONS AND BS which this person is TRYING TO USE to steal my energy which I am noticing that, as I ascend, I AM GETTING MORE OF THEM LIKE THIS MOFO FROM YESTERDAY: I CAN FEEL THE SMARMINESS, THE EVIL ENERGY, THE PETTY, JEALOUS energy emanating from these two profiles who all of a sudden upped and started harassing me. Here is a listen: with e energy vampires DO NOT FOCUS ON WHAT THEY SAY (Cause via their mind games THAT is how they

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