Stalked By White Supremacist Sexual Predator Black Holes Matter of Liveleak

Stalked By White Supremacist Sexual Predator Black Holes Matter of Liveleak

Alright, this mofo – I have NO IDEA who this person could be – is obsessed with me. Look at this shit (here is his channel:                                             Then look at this shit HERE:     EVEN THE OTHER POSTERS CALLING HIM OUT ON HIS SHIT: Plus I don’t think Youtube allows that since the video HE EMBEDS is on my site and that can run into all sorts of problems – even with Youtube/ Google (who owns the

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The Glorious Culture of White People And Why They Are Superior To Blacks

The Glorious Culture of White People And Why They Are Superior To Blacks

From the same “species” of “people” who knock my topless activism cause THEY THINK breasts in public are nasty cause THEY SEXUALIZE EVERYTHING, I present to you their (perverted, warped) “culture” (Here’s a great article on them that says 1 out of 6 whites fuck they dawgs):     SPEAKING OF WHICH, LOOK AT THIS SHIT: THESE ARE SOME NASTY, PEDOPHILE AZZ MOFOS! I WOULD NEVER MATE WITH A CRAKKKA (WHEN I DID DURING SEX WORK I WAS FORCED TO OUT OF ECONOMIC SURVIVAL)! Any black woman wanting to MATE with these things need their heads seriously examined and

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