Please Do Not Rent From Yesenia Rodriguez of Catalina Lofts

Please Do Not Rent From Yesenia Rodriguez of Catalina Lofts

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This is a very hard one to write cause there is a lot of trauma associated with it that just happened a couple of weeks ago – last month.


Anyways, I am here to warn ANYBODY NOT TO RENT FROM YESENIA RODRIGUEZ AKA SANDRA RODRIGUEZ OF 443 S. SAN PEDRO ST. UNIT #502 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013.(I also suspect she may be an illegal cause while there I heard her and co. talk a lot about the “dream act.”):

This is Yesenia Rodriguez

I recently had the very hard, horrible experience of being assaulted by her friends – two black girls (one big, the other small) and her male friend, a black male. That said, what she will do is once you are done having paid her she will DEMAND more money less than a week later and while laying in wait – after sending me a barrage of text asking for more money – had her friends (while I was completely inebriated and defenseless) had a bigger black girl from orange county attack me – grab me from behind, had me on the floor, punching me in the face while holding my hands so I couldn’t fight back, then she proceeded to kick me in the stomach WHILE I WAS LYING DOWN ON THE FLOOR (I have ptsd from this). Then a smaller black girl who I suspect this person below: shellavalenciaes



– to be then punched me, attacked me, jumped on me, clawed at me THEN when attempting to call the cops at one point a black guy grabbed my phone out my hand, robbed me of it, and then from what I an best recall choked me and punched me in the face (I recall it was at around that point he stole my phone). They run a scam from that apartment to get new people in and then steal their money. This is what I have heard from people living in that building who have complained about her and that crew. I experienced it first hand. I still have ptsd from this event and to make matters worse is how the cops treated me which you can read here:

Here are some text from here straight from Yesenia:





Here she is somewhat admitting to turning tricks:


More evidence the cops will divulge bits of my personal past to harm me in investigations/ incidents involving me.



More evidence the cops will divulge bits of my personal past to harm me in investigations/ incidents involving me.

These are not the only things I have heard about her. From a trustworthy (I presume) source I was told that before that she had a brothel being ran from her loft in unit #502 in which she sold girls like that girl up above’s ass for profit. When attention was brought to that by building management –  I am guessing Andre – the meth head looking manager (you can tell by his scars that he is more than likely into heavy drug use) – told her to stop (he treats her and has called her his “little sister” cause from what I can tell scumbags run with each other) – that is when she resorted to the scamming by getting people to move in, charging crazy exorbitant fees then throwing them out, desperate people! I was also informed that in conjunction with protecting her – his “little sister” – he also protects two armed coke dealers who also live there as well and have never been kicked out despite management supposedly having a 0 tolerance policy for such behavior. I was also informed that two guys who were in the unit before Yesenia were also pulling the same scam shit Yesenia is pulling now. Also, look at this:


Someone sleeping on mattress at night in the loft.
Someone sleeping on mattress at night in the loft.








I was informed that Yesenia was already in trouble with Scott Properties, LTD., the Los Angeles based real estate firm that owns the property she lives in, for illegally subleasing. Now in light of the recent disaster that happened at “The Ghost Ship” in Oakland, CA, it is extremely dangerous and not to mention illegal the living conditions of that place.


I personally think that much like the Ghost Ship PEOPLE AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE EVEN LIVING THERE!!! This strikes me as one of those illegally un-permitted “work/ live” space lofts where people ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIVING IN due to not having the proper permits. This place which you can read about here:









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































…was just raided a while back – before the “Ghost Ship” disaster for not having the proper permits to allow people to live there not only legally, but safely, too. How do these people stay warm during the winter? Do they use propane which I believe is illegal to do? There are so many questions concerning the safety (or lack thereof) of this place it’s not even funny. Personally, code enforcement I believe needs to be called. Here is their number here: 866-557-7368

I am writing this to heal my soul. I have been severely traumatized from this event. Also, to warn another innocent soul about entering into this place. I don’t think nor do I see it being around for too long. That said, take it from me – read my story: DO NOT RENT FROM YESENIA RODRIGUEZ AND HER CLICK!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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