Can’t Enjoy My New Apartment Due To The Highest Self of The Tarot Reader At San Arcangel Miguel Maria Parafin Attacks

Can’t Enjoy My New Apartment Due To The Highest Self of The Tarot Reader At San Arcangel Miguel Maria Parafin Attacks

I wanna say this regarding Maria Parafin and her lower self, the tarot reader who I got a reading from at San Arcangel Miguel located at:

8704 Broadway St (by 87th and Broadway st in South Central)
Los Angeles, CA 90003

They are open on Saturdays and Wednesdays from what I understand.

That said I saw that her lower self, whose name I think is Elsa Solano (I believe her mother’s
name was Gertez), knew her son or cousin from what I had heard and saw had raped a black sex worker on Figueroa and covered for him and this guy here from what I saw molested a lil 11 year old girl by sticking a finger in her.

Imma do a full story on this later on:

I wish I could get a picture of her but she in one of the pictures where she off camera here:

I heard she had went to a tarot reader to have me sacrificed.

After I got this revelation, I woke up in the middle of the night to find that she had tried to take full control of my consciousness, in part my spirit team kicked her ass out and she was trying to get in to kill me off.

As I said before something happened on May 1, 2024 and 2 weeks from there I had seen the grim reaper and I keep insistently hearing her say, “I want you to stay dead” and I have been seeing other signs of death so something ain’t right.

I know these people spiritually did something to me:

That said this is a beautiful new apartment:


It’s nice to no longer be in a shelter and be able to cook home cooked meals my way.

Also it’s funny cause my apartment number is #408 which reminds me of the film Room 1408 – one of my most auspicious films with John Cusack, cause of all this evil shyte I got and I have heard weird shit.

I had Maria Parafin one night walk in physically and my sensory light – which ONLY comes on when a physical body walks past, came on and this was after a strong gust of wind, came threw the window and I heard a woman physically speak:

I also noticed a window blinder inexplicably broken and I saw and knew it came from Maria Parafin entering my apartment:

I know this shit is getting physical so it is getting real.

Unfortunately I can’t enjoy my new apartment cause of that evil wetback bitch Maria Parafin them people at that Botanica at 8704 Broadway put on me:

I enjoyed decorating my own space for a change with my own energy for a change. This was a cute lil set up!

I brought a lil merkaba light and everything.

As I said during this curse, it was imposed on me as a curse to stay stuck in homeless shelters, places where you are made to feel like a loser and lost, and not shine like I used to.

I’m trying to come back as best I can and defeat this shit but as shown with Maria Parafin, a racist wetback highest self of that tarot reader who likes to put dyybuks on people who don’t like blacks and only allows her lower self to see us for ancestral money, it’s just curses compounding curses.

I got a whole series on their asses talking about this ugly (I saw her nose is bulbous) evil scheming entitled cruel greedy mofo here that they spawned on me:

I am having a hard time writing right now cause she was able to get into my consciousness and fuck with it and fuck it up, esp my Soul consciousness in the middle of the night.

That being said I can’t enjoy my new apartment because of intense psychic attacks by Maria Parafin, who keeps trying to kill me off as best as she can. In one instance she stole a major part of my Soul consciousness. I remember that and I literally felt like somebody had cored out all the organs in my physical body and it was that intense and these attacks by her real.

That’s why I say something happened to me on May 1, 2024.

That said I talk about it in a series of vids here:

With that being said, I wish I could remember more but my consciousness is under so much intense attack from this wetback bitch that I can’t remember at times important details but I am not trying to let this beanie bag win!

She was able to compromise my black kyanite, spiritually and energetically get in that to where she was able to steal a large majority of my consciousness and damn near kill me and cause me to be brain dead.

At one point while unknowingly astral projecting – my spirit and energy body are so exposed it ain’t funny – she tried to trap me in it and cause me to die in my sleep not too long ago.

She keeps trying to take over very important aspects of my consciousness cause as I have seen, she wants me as a sacrifice.

Last night she was able to enter into my Soul consciousness and steal it by removing all the entity attachments of mines from it and replacing it with hers as well as especially going after my spiritual protection and I feel her almost fully on controlling my consciousness so she could kill me in my sleep.

She’ll take your shit and alter it. You can use 432 hz, 925 hz to alter something back.

This is an evil bloodthirsty power hungry and conniving and controlling wetback bitch that wants me dead so I gotta do something about her.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.

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