Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

This is getting serious:

I talked about it on my YouTube channel:

That said, Imma say this. I heard a violent wind then it went stagnantly quiet. I then saw the lights – which ONLY turn on if you physically go into the bathroom – inexplicably come on. I then felt a presence and heard a woman’s voice that brought me to a chilling standstill.

That said this shit is getting physical and is getting serious.

As I said before this highest self came from here:

Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

How Do I Remove Highest Self of A Tarot Reader Maria Parafin Out of My Spirit Energy Body

Almost Killed In My Sleep Last Night By Maria Parafin

One night I felt my inner body cored out as if it was physical to the point of death.

I want something done about this bitch cause this is scary, being haunted to this extreme.

This is getting physical. This bitch is trying to kill me if I ain’t already dead as I have heard her Highest Self say over and over again, “I want her to stay dead, I want her to stay dead.”

I even had a nightmare right before this proceeding it where I saw entity attachments made of myself that she had stolen attacking me and I attacking them and Baron Samedi being held hostage.

Something gotta be done. Something gotta be done cause of I don’t end this I die!

– She just attacked my lifeline.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.

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