Calling Out Nasty Ugly Old Ass White Men Creature Features Trying To Leer At Young Black Women

On a side note, before I begin….. I found Tom Berenger’s Messy-can cousin….. You know your country FAWKED-UP anytime you gotta take orders from another country to arrest your so-called “defense minister”: Looka how they had him, uniform all loose fitting – soooo unprofessional….. LOL looka what this article here is next to: ….How that “defend the police” shit going on, dumbasses….. ….That niqqa tallllll……. Ya’ll looka his son: you got this dude, looking like Sgt Barnes (probably cause of all the times the cartels kidnapped him) and his son a fabreige egg: – You can see that military dude … Continue reading Calling Out Nasty Ugly Old Ass White Men Creature Features Trying To Leer At Young Black Women