I Finally Found The Elmer Fudd Looking And Sounding Mofo Using Electronic Harassment To Run Me Out of Malibu

He an ugly looking mofo: Bitch look like a Simpson’s character! THIS BITCH HERE:   This ugly Elmer Fudd looking ass Farmer Joe sounding ass heaux right here ?? I remember when I first came to mofo Malibu hearing a seeming “disembodied” voice telling me to get out, leave Malibu, blah blah blah ad nauseam shit rinse wash repeat….. THAT WAS HIM! I would hear it all over with no discernible derivation. I recall going back as far as NY, when I was renting a room in the Bronx off of Castle Hill Ave. – I heard what sounded like … Continue reading I Finally Found The Elmer Fudd Looking And Sounding Mofo Using Electronic Harassment To Run Me Out of Malibu