All The Crazy Shit I Did While Drunk: Talk To A Journalist And Confront The Folks I Thought Stabbed Me

I be doing dumb shit while drunk I tell ya!   [purchase_link id=”33461″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I feel mad bad for fucking with those people. They didn’t do it! I also ate – sushi style – raw meat seasoned with cinnamon, paisley leaves, etc. It tastes real fucking good! I also apologise to the sheriff’s last night and the security one during the day: I was drunk ass fuck ????????? – Damn I’m getting old! Can’t believe I’ll be 37 come May 14th! – I also apologise to those poor people I harassed last night. I am very sorry ?? … Continue reading All The Crazy Shit I Did While Drunk: Talk To A Journalist And Confront The Folks I Thought Stabbed Me